Celebrating our 21th year
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Today's Highlights
2024-09-18 - New update. Time to start working on the site again!!!
This is a new front page story added today. How exciting. ;-)
Today's Highlights
New Links (20) YTD (650)
- A314: The A314 is an expansion board for the Amiga 500 that goes in the trapdoor expansion slot. A Raspberry Pi (RPi) is attached to the A314, and the A500 and the RPi can communicate through a shared memory.
- THEC64 Community:........... This is the Latest News from THEC64 Community.......... {Also covering THEVIC20, THEA500 and the THECBM Games Zone}
- THEA500 Mini Hacking Development: {Thread @ covering the hacks for the THEA500 mini}
- Keith Haring illustrated these images on an 80s Amiga computer: Until now, Haring’s experiments in digital art have been stored unseen for decades on a floppy disk. A new Christie’s auction has brought to light five digital artworks Keith Haring created in 1987 on a Commodore Amiga computer. With Pixel Pioneer, Christie’s will sell these artworks as NFTs.
- Artist Keith Haring Amiga Digital Art Found on Floppy Disk from 1987: {Thread @ covering the recently found Keith Haring Amiga drawings}
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Due to an unexpected incident involving my fingers and an immovable object, I am the proud owner of 14 new stitches, so this will be a quick update.
- On the plus side I do have one news item I would like to share. This morning I was pleasantly surprised (aka 'completely stunned') to find a package from the UK at my door. Upon opening it I found my pre-order the 'AAA Bundle' from AmiKit. Now I will leave it as an academic exercise for you the reader to look back and figure out when I ordered it but considering I have been working on this site for over 20 years... I'm not one to talk! Now if the rest of the computer shows up as fast I'll be a happy camper! ha ha!
 The AAA preorder box --- Inside the box
- In a, I'm sure, not related coincidence, ACube Systems put out a request on twitter to help them update their
AmigaOS 4.1 Hardware Compatibility List. So help let's help them out!
Amiga Legal News Update
- Still quiet...
New Links (10) YTD (15)
- {The official ACube Systems} AmigaOS 4.1 Hardware Compatibility List: If you want to add a new hardware to this list, please click here to send us a message. This will help everyone. Thank you. Supported Platforms: Sam460ex, Sam440ep, Sam440ep-flex, AmigaOne SE-G3, AmigaOne XE-G3, AmigaOne XE-G4, microA1-C & Pegasos 2.
- ACube Systems twitter: The official twitter page for ACube Systems.
- ReA4091: SCSI2 on Zorro III for everyone!: Hi and welcome to the latest and greatest project by Chris Hooper and me: ReA4091. All in all there were only two ZorroIII capable SCSI controllers ever made: The A4091/DKB4091 and the Phase5 Fastlane Z3. The Fastlane, by being a closed source fortress, is completely useless. It can not be repaired, or improved. But all GAL logic source code for the A4091 has been made available by Dave Haynie.
- Amiga "Classic" USB mechanical PC keyboard: The Amiga "Classic" USB mechanical PC keyboard is a brand new Amiga officially licensed product manufactured by Simulant Systems Ltd. The keyboard is built to last, with a sturdy construction and quality components. Enjoy the ultimate typing experience with genuine Brown Cherry MX key switches. Now you can use your PC, Mac or Linux computer with an Amiga keyboard that mixes traditional style with modern usability and comfort.
- VR Amiga 500: This is a Virtual reality Amiga 500 interface with winuae emulator, i have developed. You can use it togheter with Trinus VR Android and ios headset.
- The Commodore Story: Gone But Not Forgotten. From the PET to the Amiga CD32: What links the following? #1: a best-selling home computer, #2: one of the most beloved non-console gaming machines of the 80s and 90s, and #3: the first personal computer to sell over 1 million units. A lot of people over 30 will probably name a Commodore machine as the first computer they ever used, be it a Commodore PET in the late seventies, a VIC-20 or Commodore 64 from the 1980s, or even one of the Amiga line in the early nineties. Some will have played their first game on one or wrote their first program in BASIC, perhaps leading them to a life-long career in the tech industry-I'm one of many who owe a debt of gratitude to the company.
- Amiga Announces the AmigaOne: < < ARCHIVED > > October 21, 2000, Melbourne, Australia - It is with great pleasure that we are able to announce the first new Amiga hardware in over 6 years. The AmigaOne, our first consumer product, will be targeted at the desktop and workstation market. Further products to follow will cover the markets from Personal Digital Assistants and upwards. All these products will run a single piece of software, the revolutionary Amiga Digital Environment (DE).
- A2088 XT Bridge Board A2088 Upgrades and modifications: A2088 Upgrade ROM, A2088 use external 1020 as drive A, A2088 Parts List, A2088 Connectors and jumpers.
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Sorry for the lack updates. It's been a busy past few weeks on the personal side of the house but rest assured things are still progressing quite nicely on the new site! To be honest I have been spending more time on the AmigaSource v2.0 then here in the hopes of performing the cut over sooner than later. In fact in anticipation I have started to reach out to a few people in the community to have them give us GENTLE feedback on to make the initial roll out a success. Anyway more to come!!
Amiga Legal News Update
- No Carrier Signal detected...
New Links (2) YTD (5)
- ICONIC: {from because AirSoft does not have this on their webpage} In 2022 Airsoft Softwair, the hardest working men in code business, celebrate the 20th anniversary of Hollywood, the cross-platform multimedia application layer. To kick off the celebrations we are proud to present a brand-new plugin for Hollywood: Iconic. Iconic is the ultimate icon loader and saver plugin for Hollywood. It will make all your icon dreams come true because it can load and save icons in pretty much all of the most common icon formats. The following formats are currently supported: AmigaOS 1.x style icons, AmigaOS 2.x/3.x style icons, AmigaOS 3.5/3.9 icons (aka GlowIcons), AmigaOS 4.x Icons, macOS Icons (*.icns-Format), MagicWB icons, MorphOS/PowerIcons icons (PNG), NewIcons & Windows icons (*.ico-Format).
- KA 59 – Mechanical keyboard for Amiga 1200: Purpose - KA59 is a mechanical keyboard replacement for Amiga 1200. It is a complete replacement, no parts from original keyboard are needed. KA59 has been tested with original A1200 enclosures and ones from project.
Today's Highlights
- Greetings and salutations everyone! Today I have a brief but exciting update to share. I'm happy to report that AmigaSource v2.0 is past the 50% mark to completion. After 20 years it's finally coming together. At this point feature creep seems to be my biggest fear. Here's a quick overview of where were at.
- Completed
- All MENU TABLES and NEWS STORIES are dynamically generated.
- Main page NEWS STORIES are now displayed (10) per page.
- All CATEGORY results are displayed (25) per page.
- WE FINALLY have a working ADMIN page where we can EASILY enter/edit LINKS and NEWS stories in real time.
- Still left to do before we can relaunch
- Finish the visitors interface to add/edit links and news stories.
- Allow visitors to rate links.
- Possible features to add after the relaunch
- File and picture section.
- Simple message board.
Amiga Legal News Update
- Silence. I guess everyone is still recoveing from the holidays...
New Links (3) YTD (3)
- AMigaNG: Welcome. If you're a first time visitor, this site is dedicated to covering all the information on the next generation of Amiga computers and operating systems. With the arrival of the AmigaOne systems, Vampire FPGA boards, AmigaOS PPC & Classic continued to be developed, Aros a Open Source compatible OS, and MorphOS, heavily inspired compatible OS, the future of Amiga has never looked healthier. All these products need a website to report on them and this is just one of the reasons for this site. AmigaNG started way back in February 1999 to cover news on the AmigaMCC (later cancelled), it is now one of the longest running next generation Amiga focus sites on the planet. Its not official and is not sponsored, but is still one of the best places for your source of next generation information of Amiga computing. I hope you enjoy the site.
- Amiga Lore: Amiga Lore is an updated version of's web portal. It's your gateway to the Amiga world of the Hall of Light, the English Amiga Board, the Amiga Magazine Rack, Amiga Games That Weren't and Amiga Point of View. Powered by the HOL and the AMR!
- Hall of Light: The Hall Of Light (HOL) is an attempt to catalogue all games that were released commercially for the Commodore Amiga. Most games in the database are of the boxed, commercial variety but there are exceptions: Licenceware games are considered commercial enough to be included. Shareware, freeware and general Public Domain games are generally not present but they may be added if they form a fuller picture of a commercial person or entity. A number of unreleased Amiga games are referenced. The status of these games varies; some exist in a near-complete or demo form while others never progressed beyond the announcement stage. Some Open Source conversions (e.g. Doom) and games playable through interpreters (e.g. ScummVM or Exult) are listed. These are considered 'native' Amiga games. There are no downloads of the games in the database as the HOL is solely concerned with providing information. The HOL is a non-commercial project and does not generate any money.
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